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The Nut Body Project is a free-mint NFT created by the Sticker Farmer Team and The Feathered Underdog Club. This NFT doubles as a playing card, as well as a little nut body character with different attributes.

-Before each round, players must declare what five cards they are playing and in what order they will played.
In tournament play these cards would be given to the nut master in charge.
-Each match is five rounds, first player to three victories is declared the winner.
-Players will first make a 3 digit number using their "Bite Force", "Nut Worth" and "Emotional State" values.
(Example: 2+4+7=247)
-Players will then add their "Super Power", "Element", and "Battery Life" value to their three digit number.
-Player with the highest score wins.
-A diamond is equal to the highest value per ability
(see scorecard for highest value)
-5 Diamonds on a card equals 600 points.
5 Diamond cards are still affected by "Battery Life".
-You can choose to play by "The Big Eagle"Rules
or make up your own rules!

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